Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
Did Pope Pius XII do nothing to help the Jewish people in World War II? Did the most powerful man in the world sit back idly while watching millions of Jews die needlessly? Did Pius XII make deals with...
View ArticleCatholic Church Sexual Abuse (Exposing the Lies, Defending our Priests)
With the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI from the papacy, CNN and other news media outlets raged with stories about corruption, the papacy, the problem of priestly celibacy, and countless conspiracy...
View ArticleCatholic Idolatry? (Do Catholics Worship Statues?)
Do Catholics worship Saints, statues, images– or Mary? Is it Catholic idolatry? I have this image to the left in my house painted on a piece of wood. Anti-Catholics think I pray to this piece of wood...
View ArticleLiving Your Faith (How to live your faith anywhere!)
“What are you? Some sort of Jesus freak?” “What, are you too good for us now?” “You actually believe in God?” “The Catholic Church is evil!” Several people have asked me the question, “How do you live...
View ArticleWhy Can’t Protestants Receive Communion in a Catholic Church
Why can’t Protestants receive the Holy Communion in a Catholic Church? Why can Catholics receive the Lord’s Supper at Protestant services but not the other way around? That is a great question!...
View ArticleDoes God Love Gays?
Does God love gays? Does He love people with same-sex attraction? This is a heavy but important question. Anyone God-loving person who struggles with a homosexual attraction wants to know the answer to...
View ArticleThe Catholic Church and Gay Marriage (What is the Catholic position?)
The Catholic Church and Gay Marriage What is the Catholic Church’s position on gay marriage? Is there a such thing as gay marriage? After all, if two people truly love each other, then why shouldn’t...
View ArticleWhat is Mortal sin? (And will it send you to Hell?)
What is Mortal sin? (And will it send you to hell?) This is a question that I get asked from time to time, and it is a good one. Heaven is our goal, but it can be difficult with the … Continue reading →
View ArticleCatholic Truth! (Arguments against the Catholic Church… answered!) | POST #1
Catholic Truth! Here is the first blog answering a small list of arguments against the Catholic Church. Whether through ignorance , negligence, or plain anti-Catholicism, the picture to the left is...
View ArticleArguments Against the Catholic Church (Answering Anti-Catholic myths on...
There are so many arguments against the Catholic Church that are false or skewed. Some are so far off that it is hard to take them seriously. This picture is of those that is hard to take seriously. It...
View ArticleMargaret Sanger Eugenics (Planned Parenthood and the Master Race) – PART 2
If you have not read PART ONE on Margaret Sanger and her connection to Adolf Hitler and eugenics (with quotes from Sanger) see that article here:...
View ArticleAnti-Catholic Arguments! (And why they are WRONG!)
An ex-Catholic woman found her way to my YouTube channel, and she has an axe to grind. Almost daily, she vomits her anger, hurt, and and anti-Catholic rhetoric all over the comments section. She is a...
View ArticleDo Catholics Worship Statues (Why do they KISS Statues and BOW before them?)
Non-Catholics: Why do you Catholics worship statues? Catholics: We don’t. Non-Catholics: Sure you do, and the Vatican tells you to. Catholics: Really! Statues are only symbols. We don’t actually...
View ArticleWhy Abortion is Wrong (Part 1)
In this series, we are giving answers to the top 15 pro abortion arguments New York opened up abortion to be virtually on demand. (We made a YouTube video covering that). Alabama smacked down abortion...
View ArticleWhy Abortion is Wrong (Part 2)
In this series, we are giving the reasons why abortion is always wrong. In each of these articles, we are giving pro life answers to the top pro abortion arguments showing that there is no good reason...
View ArticleDid the Catholic Church change the Second Commandment?
On my YouTube channel, there is an obscene amount of rabid anti-Catholicism and of other religions foaming at the mouth over what they accuse Catholics of believing. All bark and little bite, yet they...
View ArticleWhy Abortion is Always Wrong! (Part 3)
Pro choice arguments and pro life answers! In this series, we are offering pro life answers to pro choice arguments in order to demonstrate that there is no good reason for abortion. These responses...
View ArticleBad Arguments against the Catholic Church
Welcome to another article on bad anti-Catholic arguments! This particular argument was a real comment we received on one of our social media platforms. It highlights another example of an...
View ArticleWhat age should you get married? And other quick questions answered…
If you have been on one of our retreats or follow our social media accounts, you may have noticed that we receive many questions on many different topics. Periodically, we answer some of these...
View ArticleEx Catholics! (The Sad story of ex-Catholics who did not know their faith)
Ex-Catholics are among the people who make me the most sad. This is because they have left the Catholic Church, which is the one true Church that Jesus started, and the reality is that most every one...
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